
1st Antimicrobial Resistance Course: a One Health Challenge

The AMR-Global Action Plan (GAP) by WHO and One Health global strategy consider fostering awareness and understanding on antimicrobial resistance to be a priority and essential for the adoption, deployment and implementation of country AMR-National Action Plans. Mérieux Foundation and the University Paris-Diderot have designed a course to address concretely, from plan to action, the five objectives of the AMR-WHO-GAP.

Dr Cecilia Ferreyra, FIND AMR Medical Officer, is giving a course on the Role of Diagnostics on AMR.

The program is based on the five WHO-AMR-GAP objectives, and one objective is addressed each day:

  • Day 1: The role of antibiotics and the current challenges – improving awareness and understanding of antimicrobial resistance
  • Day 2: Strengthening knowledge and evidence through monitoring & surveillance
  • Day 3: Interventions to tackle AMR
  • Day 4: Optimizing the use of antimicrobial medicines in human and animal health
  • Day 5: Policy-regulation-governance and the economic case for global sustainable investment to tackle AMR


Dates: 4–8 November 2019
Venue: Les Pensières Center for Global Health, Veyrier du Lac, France