
African Hepatitis Summit 2019

Eliminating viral hepatitis in Africa, implementing the Viral Hepatitis Strategy

FIND Deputy Head of HCV Access, Sonjelle Shilton, will be a panelist during a plenary on Access to anti-viral medicines, tests, and therapy for HBV and HCV.

The African Hepatitis Summit 2019, a regional public policy three-day event, aims to increase the number of African Countries developing practicable viral hepatitis action plans by making use of the latest public health research and technical support from WHO; improve the implementation of the existing viral hepatitis action plans through the sharing of best practice; discuss funding mechanisms for medicines and/or diagnostics through engagement of key stakeholders; raise the profile of viral hepatitis by engagement of African political leaders; encourage and direct public research to where it is needed by engaging key global funders; promote the involvement of the civil society in all aspects of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of viral hepatitis as stipulated in clause 1.3 of WHO’s Resolution WHA67.6.

Date: 18-20 June 2019
Venue: Speke Resort and Conference Center, Kampala, Uganda

Wednesday, 19 June
13.30 – 14:30 Keynote: Prof. Jean Baptiste Nikiema (WHO, Health Technologies Coordinator)

  • Esteban Burrone, Medicines Patent Pool: Access to hepatitis treatment
  • Martin Auton, Global Fund: Prices, procurement, and negotiation for better access to hepatitis treatment
  • Sonjelle Shilton, FIND: Current and future diagnostics for HBV and HCV
  • Quality Chemicals, CPHL: Access to HBV therapy