
Market and landscape insights

AI-assisted diagnostics for TB, COVID-19, and other respiratory diseases in low- and middle-income countries
FIND market and insights primer: near-point of care molecular diagnostics in low- and middle-income countries
Desk review & analysis of IEC materials in Sub-Saharan Africa for community-led approaches to cervical cancer prevention through high-performance HPV screening tools, including self-collection
Overview of Mpox antivirals and diagnostics landscape
Near patient
pathogen sequencing
Landscape of RDT-reading apps
FIND Specimen bank 2021 Activity reports & updates
Access to essential diagnostics in Peru
Medical diagnostics in Brazil
Diabetes self-monitoring devices in low- and middle- income countries
Market analysis for a new point-of-care diagnostic test for gonorrhoea in Zambia
Market analysis for a new point-of-care diagnostic test for gonorrhoea in Viet Nam
Market analysis for a new point-of-care diagnostic test for gonorrhoea in Philippines
Market analysis for a new point-of-care diagnostic test for gonorrhoea in Thailand
An assessment of the South African market for a new point-of-care diagnostic test for gonorrhoea and chlamydia
Market analysis for a new point-of-care diagnostic test for gonorrhoea in Kenya
Fever diagnostics: LMIC market analysis
Dried blood sampling for HCV viral load - market intelligence report
HCV diagnostics market intelligence report 2017
Potential market for novel tubreculosis diagnostics: worth the investment?
Market assessment of tuberculosis diagnostics in China in 2012
Market assessment of tuberculosis diagnostics in India 2013
TB diagnostics market in select high-burden countries: current market and future opportunities for novel diagnostics
Market assessment of tuberculosis diagnostics in South Africa, 2012-2013
Market assessment of tuberculosis diagnostics in Brazil 2012
Replacing smear microscopy for the diagnosis of tuberculosis: what is the market potential?