
International Women's Day & Global Health 50/50 report

To coincide with International Women’s Day, the 2020 Global Health 50/50 report, Power, privilege and priorities, has been released. This important document highlights the need to address the root causes of gender inequality within global health organizations and in the areas of health that are addressed by their scope of work in low- and middle-income (LMIC) countries.

The research assessed 200 global health organizations. While we continue to strive to do better, I am happy to share that FIND has been ranked among the 27 “high-scorers”; 13 organizations were considered to be “very high scorers”.

Moving beyond corporate gender policies to the questions of intersectionality, disease areas, and impact on health inequities, the GH 50/50 report reflects our strategic vision for the future. FIND is actively engaging in more crosscutting areas of women’s empowerment, digital diagnostic solutions, and scaling up of essential diagnostics to reduce the gaps in diagnosis across communicable and non-communicable disease in LMICs.

Bringing a diversity lens to the role of diagnosis in enabling universal health coverage (UHC) is key to empowering patients and communities to become true agents of change. While we remain staunchly committed to bringing more inclusivity inside our organization, we are also building our strategy by engaging women leaders, LMIC country partners, and local women’s groups to drive demand for better, more accessible diagnosis for all.

Happy International Women’s Day!
