
FIND Diagnostics day 2023

Diagnostics Dinner 2023

An independent event on the sidelines of the Conference for Public Health in Africa (CPHIA)

Following the success of Diagnostics Day 2023, held during the World Health Assembly, FIND hosted a Diagnostics Dinner during the CPHIA conference in Lusaka, Zambia, on Tuesday 28 November, 17:00–21:00 CAT (16:0020:00 CET).

Highlights coming soon

This event took place on Tuesday 28 November, 17:00–21:00 CAT (16:00–20:00 CET).

Call for commitments

FIND is calling for commitments to support implementation at global, regional, and country levels of the Resolution on diagnostics that was adopted at the World Health Assembly in May 2023. A commitment tracker showcasing the commitments will be launched during WHA 2024.

Making the exceptional routine: embedding diagnostic best practice to improve pandemic preparedness

(PDF, 7.23 MB, 18 pages)

An independent report from the International Pandemic Preparedness Secretariat and FIND

3rd International Conference on Public Health in Africa

Find out where else FIND will be during CPHIA 2023

Child giving a blood sample to test for schistosomiasis in Kenya FIND/George Muiruri 2021


An exhibition about medical diagnosis, why it matters that half the world has no access to testing, and what needs to be done to ensure everyone who needs a test can get one.

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