
DxGeomap is a user-friendly, online GIS application for mapping population accessibility to diagnostics with minimal data inputs.


DxGeomap is a user-friendly, online GIS application for mapping population accessibility to diagnostics with minimal data inputs.

It helps estimate potential impact of new diagnostics solutions and demonstrate impact of diagnostic system strengthening interventions.

Technical skills

Familiarity with spreadsheets, web-based applications, lab data

Data requirements

Data collation from regional & or national facility master datasets. Key user data inputs include:

  • Geocoordinates of labs and health facilities, facility level, sector, data on number and type of diagnostic device
  • Key external APIs – Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, Population data © 2023 WorldPop, Socioeconomic data © SEDAC (Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center), Travel time providers – Microsoft BING, Openrouteservice

Key Outputs

Recommendations related to improving the population’s access to diagnostics services:

  • Creating catchment areas for facilities using road networks
  • Analyzing the proportion of population with access to the nearest diagnostic services
  • What-if analysis to measure impact of changes to the service offerings including changes to number & type of facilities, sectors, test menu, etc.

Current use

  • FIND internal projects.
  • TB, HIV, HPV and integrated multi-disease testing for existing & new diagnostics


NA (currently in pilot phase)


Typically 1-2 months

*Timeline and costs vary depending on scope and complexity of analysis and data availability and quality.

Case study one

Identifying gaps in population accessibility to chest X-ray and TB testing services to inform chest X-ray scale up in Kenya.

Case study two

Evaluating potential gains in population accessibility to TB testing services through optimal expansion of equipment and sample referrals in one province of Pakistan.


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