
Global Digital Health Hackathon #2

Date/time: 25-26 March 2022 from 08:30 AM (CET)


What is a Gdhack?

Digitalization has the potential to significantly improve population health globally, but digital health faces challenges in achieving scale. Building on Swiss-based expertise and the international Geneva, the GDHUB will federate and connect knowledge and stakeholders active in digital health in LMIC countries. Assisted by advanced data analytics and knowledge management tools, the hub will lay the foundation for effective coordination, governance, and collaboration aiming at unlocking the full potential of digital health for efficient, equitable, and high-quality health systems. To address challenges related to digital health implementation, the GDHUB will launch a series of hackathons, called gdhack, open to the public.

The objectives of this event are:

  • to address different challenges related to digital health implementation
  • to engage different stakeholders in the initiative
  • to foster collective intelligence, synergies identification and potential collaboration


What will happen exactly?

The gdhack is a 2-day, collective intelligence moment to develop practical solutions to concrete problems in global digital health. The 5 main steps of the hackathon process are:

  • Composition of the teams before the hackathon: 1 team per challenge
  • Ideation phase, brainstorming
  • Choosing a solution to explore
  • Prototype/concept/recommendations of the selected solution
  • Presentation of the solution during the final pitch


Rigveda Kadam, Deputy Director, Digital Health will be part of the jury.


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