
How to develop a national list of essential in vitro diagnostics

The WHO Model List of Essential In Vitro Diagnostics (EDL) is an evidence-based resource supporting countries in prioritizing in vitro diagnostic tests for each level of the healthcare system. This webinar follows the recent publication of the third edition of the EDL and accompanying guidance document on developing national list of essential in vitro diagnostics (NEDL). The webinar will delve into the EDL scope and recommendations, including criteria for selecting IVD test categories, and provide guidance to countries to develop or update their own NEDL adapted to local context and needs. Nigeria’s recent experience of developing a national list will be shared.

Emma Hannay, Chief Access Officer and Kekeletso Kao, Senior Programme Manager at FIND will be joining other experts on Wednesday, 13 October 2021, at 14:00–15:00 CEST, to discuss how access to high quality IVD tests and laboratory services can contribute to universal health coverage, address health emergencies and promote healthier populations.

View the recording here (passcode: t#965Vmq).