
How to prevent 1.4 million deaths

Following the recent release of modelling on the impacts of the initial COVID-19 response on TB, commissioned by the Stop TB Partnership in collaboration with Imperial College, Avenir Health, and Johns Hopkins University, The Union is hosting a panel discussion with key leaders, to support the call for immediate action to prevent the potential 1.4 million tuberculosis (TB) deaths due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The panel discussion, How to prevent 1.4 million deaths: Advancing TB care and prevention in the time of COVID-19, will have no slides or presentations, and focus on discussion and questions and answers.

A recent study made for alarming reading on the magnitude of the effect of COVID-19 for people suffering from TB and the massive set-backs that will occur in TB care as a result. During this 60-minute conversation, leaders in the TB response will discuss what the results of this modelling study mean and how we can all work together to prevent these outcomes.

Panellists include: Lucica Ditiu – Stop TB Partnership, Catharina Boehme – FIND, Marijke Wijnroks – The Global Fund, Cheri Vincent – USAID, Tereza Kasaeva – WHO, José Luis Castro – The Union, Subrat Mohanty – The Union.

Moderator: Victoria MacDonald, Health and Social Care Editor at Channel 4 News, UK

Date: 20 May 2020
Time: 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM CEST

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