

The 34th International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control (ISCTRC) General Conference will take place from 11-15 September 2017 in Livingstone, Zambia.

The conference aims to “promote information sharing on tsetse, human and animal trypanosomiasis problems, review control strategies and recommend appropriate approaches in research and control.” Participants include African Union Commission staff, scientists and researchers, representatives of the 38 Member States where tsetse and trypanosomiasis remain a challenge, and ministry officials in charge of animal and human health.

FIND will present on our key research areas in HAT-affected countries:


  • Contribution de nouvelles stratégies pour accélérer l’élimination de la THA: Cas du foyer du Mandoul, Tchad


  • Prospective evaluation of a rapid diagnostic test for gambiense human African trypanosomiasis developed using recombinant antigens in the Democratic Republic of the Congo


  • Introduction de tests rapides de suspicion de la Trypanosomiase Humaine Africaine dans les stratégies de lutte du Programme National de Guinée


  • Intensive passive surveillance for human African trypanosomiasis in Delta State, Nigeria


  • Enhanced screening and diagnosis of gambiense human African trypanosomiasis in north-western Uganda – Moving towards elimination 
  • Tracing the source of infection of human African trypanosomiasis: A study of recent (2015/2016) cases in Uganda 

Conference flyer