
Keystone Symposia 2019

The Malaria Endgame: Innovation in Therapeutics, Vector Control and Public Health Tools

Part of the Keystone Symposia Global Health Series, supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

30 Oct: Joint Keynote session with Grand Challenges
31 Oct: Defeating resistance I; Defeating resistance II
1 Nov: Leveraging data science to defeat malaria I; Leveraging data science to defeat malaria II
2 Nov: Innovating to enable malaria elimination I; Innovating to enable malaria elimination II

Sabine Dittrich, Head of the FIND Malaria & Fever programme, is presenting a poster on behalf of FIND titled Integrated fever diagnostic innovations as one piece of the puzzle to achieve malaria elimination. In addition to this, FIND is encouraging applications from academic institutions and private companies working on new malaria diagnostic solutions to answer the Call for Innovation published on our website. The application deadline is 8 November 2019.

Venue: Hilton Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia