
TB/HIV 2020 Symposium

FIND is pleased to be part of the 4th TB/HIV pre-meeting titled Turning threats into opportunities: implementing and advancing quality TB services for people living with HIV during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. This virtual event, which builds on a successful series, will take place on 2-3 July, during the pre-conference week prior to AIDS 2020 (6–11 July).

The meeting, organized by the IAS, STOP TB Partnership and USAID, will provide an opportunity to highlight the key challenges along with the opportunities arising from scientific progress related to TB and TB/HIV prevention, diagnosis and treatment scale-up and to feed these into policy processes. It will be co-chaired by Beatriz Grinsztejn (Fiocruz, Brazil) and Yogan Pillay (CHAI, previously South Africa National Department of Health).

Date: 3 July 2020

Place: Virtual

Time Topic Presenter
15:35–15:45 State of the art: TB LAM testing Morten Ruhwald, Head of Tuberculosis, FIND