
The Union World Conference on Lung Health 2022

When: 8–11 November 2022

Where: Virtual event

Combating pandemics: today and tomorrow

Whether it is COVID-19 or tuberculosis (TB), lung health pandemics continue to cause havoc the world over, exposing inequalities while also revealing how interconnected we truly all are. As we work towards averting future pandemics, we must not forget existing pandemics like TB and ensure we serve those who are most vulnerable.

Full progamme


  • 8 November 2022, 12:30–13:30 CET

SP-04 | Channel 1
Stool-based diagnostics: a game-changer for hard-to-diagnose populations?

12:35–12:45 CET
The landscape of stool-based diagnostics and results of stool-processing studies
Speaker: Morten Ruhwald, Director, Tuberculosis Programme

  • 8 November 2022, 16:30–17:50 CET

SP-09  | Channel 5
Designing future-ready TB diagnostic systems using diagnostic network optimisation (DNO): uptake and impact of DNO recommendations from country experiences

16:35–16:45 CET
Value for Money of investments in laboratory systems strengthening- access, efficiency and equity perspectives
Speaker: Heidi Albert, Principal DNO

16:55–17:05 CET
Scaling up access to molecular testing and implementation of optimal sample referral system towards achieving universal DST in ten Indian states
Speaker: Archana Beri, Medical Officer

  • 8 November 2022, 18:15–19:45 CET

SS-04 | Channel 5
Looking to the future of TB diagnostics; A strategic discussion of pathways to accelerate eradication

19:03–19:25 CET
Panel Discussion: Future of TB diagnostics
Speaker: Adam Penn-Nicholson, Deputy Director, Tuberculosis Programme

  • 9 November 2022, 18:15–19:45 CET

SS-05  | Channel 4
TB diagnostic tools: leveraging COVID-19 innovations | FIND and NDWG Annual Symposium


18:20–18:40 CET
The TB diagnostics pipeline
Speaker: Morten Ruhwald, Director, Tuberculosis Programme

18:55–19:00 CET
Use of targeted next generation sequencing for drug-resistant TB detection – Updates from Seq&Treat
Speaker: Anita Suresh, Deputy Director, Genomics and Sequencing

  • 10 November 2022, 15:00–16:20 CET

OA-23  | Channel 3
Innovation in tuberculosis diagnostics

Chair: Timothy Rodwell, Senior Scientific Advisor

  • 22 November 2022, 14:00–17:00 CET


Chair: Sarabjit Chadha, Regional Technical Director

Speaker: Sophia Georghiou, Senior Scientist