
Ha Noi, Viet Nam

We are actively engaged in fostering research and control of infectious diseases in Viet Nam.

G20 engagement

Diagnostic priorities at the 2023 health working group discussions in India.

Ngày Thế giới phòng, chống lao 2023

Receiving a certificate of operation in 2015, we work in partnership with government agencies, academic institutions, and local communities, including the Ministry of Health and its organizations and institutions, the National Tuberculosis (TB) Control Program, Pasteur Institutes, national and provincial hospitals, primary healthcare facilities, and other governmental and non-governmental organizations, to promote the development and implementation of innovative diagnostic techniques and strategies, aimed at enhancing healthcare outcomes in Viet Nam. Through our partnerships, we have been able to implement a range of diagnostic initiatives, including efforts to curb the incidence of TB in Viet Nam. We collaborate closely with the National TB Control Program to provide training, support, and technical assistance to decision-makers, healthcare providers to address prioritized gaps laid out in the National Strategy for TB Prevention and Control.

In 2017, FIND Viet Nam was awarded the Certificate of Merit by the Vietnamese Ministry of Health, recognizing our contributions to the successful implementation of the National Strategy for TB Prevention and Control. This achievement highlights the significant impact of our works on the Vietnamese health system.

We work to support to the domestic healthcare community through advancing support activities, providing humanitarian assistance, enhancing capacity building, and conducting research to combat infectious diseases in Viet Nam, in line with our overarching goal of improving the quality of life for all through the provision of equitable access to accurate and affordable diagnostic services.