

Photographs are essential to show the work we are doing with our partners, and we are committed to ensuring we use imagery respectfully. These are the questions we ask ourselves when selecting pictures.

Is it relevant?

Is there a clear connection for the viewer as to how this person/setting is linked to or relevant to the topic? Will the audience understand this? And Does the image make sense when placed in context with the messages of the text?

Is it consensual?

Informed consent from all subjects should be obtained through a robust process that is recorded and accessible to the subject.

Does it address imbalances in representation?

How subjects are represented should be equitable, accurate and serve to counter stereotypes. Does the image serve to empower the individuals depicted? Does it reduce depictions of power imbalances between groups of people? When we are depicting professionals at work, do they include examples from local populations? Do we have gender balance across the images we are using?

Is it upholding the right to dignity and privacy?

This is especially true for children and vulnerable groups. Is the image being staged or manipulated? If so, how does this protect the subject’s best interests? Are depictions of sensitive scenes being avoided? If they are being depicted, how can they be as non-intrusive and respectful as possible?


For more context about the respectful use of imagery in global health, please refer to this paper.

Our library

We have an extensive library of photos and videos commissioned from local photographers and film-makers – we are happy to provide assets to partners for use in projects related to our joint work, please contact us to discuss your needs.