
Diagnostic showcase: technologies featured

Find out more about the diagnostic tools featured in the showcase on Diagnostic Dinner 2023.

Technology categoryCompanyTechnologyDescription
ReaderDCN DxminiDxRA reader for lateral flow assay strips, which increases objectivity, sensitivity, and repeatability, as opposed to the subjectivity, variability and lower sensitivity of a human eye.

DCN Dx. mini DxR reader
ImagingButterflyButterfly iQ+The Butterfly iQ+ represents a revolution in handheld ultrasound; the iQ+ is a single-probe for the whole body, with over 20 different scanning modes available including lung, cardiac, needle viz for safer procedures, pediatric & obstetric modes, as well as unique AI-guided features for clinical calculations.

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MolecularGuangzhou Pluslife BiotechnologyMini DockPluslife Mini Dock is a rapid molecular detection system for detecting infectious diseases included COVID-19.

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SD BiosensorSTANDARD M10STANDARD M10 is a Point-of-Care MDx system that enables simple, fast and accurate diagnosis of infectious disease, drug resistance, and genetic testing.

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Sherlock BiosciencesSherlockVerosSherlock uses proprietary, ultra fast amplification combined with CRISPR specificity and high performance lateral flow readout for PCR accuracy detection of nucleic acids in low resource settings, either as a single low cost disposable, or multi target cartridge and reusable reader.

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SequencingOxford NanoporeMinIONA new generation of nanopore-based sensing technology that is currently used for real-time, accurate, accessible, and scalable analysis of DNA and RNA.

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