
NCD Project | Health checkups during CRP (community resource person) reviews, India, 16.03.2021 |© FIND & MYRADA/Shivram Manthena

Non-communicable Diseases

We are working to prevent premature mortality due to NCDs, by increasing the availability, affordability and uptake of essential diagnostics for diabetes and other cardiometabolic conditions.

NCDs are the world’s leading cause of death.

Over three-quarters of all NCD deaths, including 85% of those classified as ‘premature’, happen in low- and middle-income countries.

Every year, NCDs are responsible for the loss of 41 million lives. Cardiovascular diseases and diabetes are responsible for almost 50% of all NCD deaths.

41 million

people lose their life because of NCDs every year

Almost 50%

of NCD deaths are due to CVD and diabetes

1 in 3 people

with diabetes in low- and middle-income countries has never had their blood glucose measured

We are focused on primary healthcare and self-monitoring in LMICs, working with communities, healthcare professionals, developers and manufacturers to identify and address key barriers to access to diabetes testing and monitoring.

Beatrice Vetter

Director, NCD Programme

Early detection and management can avoid long-term complications and reduce the health and economic burden of these chronic conditions. But high costs and supply barriers mean that essential tests and diagnostic tools are inaccessible in many low- and middle-income countries, leaving primary healthcare facilities and people living with NCDs ill-equipped to address basic testing and monitoring needs.

Access to community- and home-based monitoring technologies for disease management is also limited. For example, only 48% of low-income countries report blood glucose measurement technology as being ‘generally available’, and one in every three people with diabetes in low- and middle-income countries has never had their blood glucose measured at all. Increasing access to diagnostics for these conditions is an integral part of the strategy to meet the WHO 2030 target of reducing risk of overall mortality from NCDs by 25%.

Strategy rationale, why is this important?

Top 4 Non-communicable diseases

Global targets for 2030Diagnostic barriers
Top 4 NCDsDiagnostics exist but are too expensive for out-of-pocket payment and/or government commitment
  • 25% reduction in relative mortality by 2025

  • 80% availability of basic NCD technologies
PHC and self-test equipment for basic NCD diagnosis and chronic management is incomplete
DiabetesChronic management requires access to higher levels of care, leading to gaps in the care cascade
  • 80% with diabetes diagnosed

  • 80% have good glycemic control

  • 100% with T1 have access to affordable insulin and glucose self-monitoring
DM – diabetes mellitus; HTN – hypertension; PHC – primary health care

Around 1 out of 2 people with diabetes or hypertension are undiagnosed in LMICs


We identified three workstreams for our programme:
The 3 workstream of our Non-communicable disease health programme

Working with partners we will deliver:

What we deliver working with partners

NCD 2023 in numbers:

NCD Programme in numbers 2023

Handheld blood glucose meters (BGMs) test directory

This directory presents technical and practical information in a standardized table designed to inform the community by comparing the various features. The list of products is not exhaustive, but provides an overview of products from a number of manufacturers of different sizes.

Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) test directory

This directory presents technical and practical information in a standardized table designed to inform the community by comparing various features.

Continuous glucose monitoring online course for people living with diabetes

Learn how CGM works and how to find support in this online course for people living with diabetes, developed in collaboration with International Diabetes Federation and The Helmsley Charitable Trust.

Continuous glucose monitoring online course for healthcare professionals

This course offers an in-depth exploration of Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM), detailing the various types of CGMs and their functionalities. It identifies patients who benefit from CGM in diabetes care, teaches glucose management using CGM, and discusses its advantages and challenges.

IDA Foundation and FIND work together to improve access to tests for non-communicable diseases

IDA Foundation and FIND work together to improve access to tests for non-communicable diseases

IDA Foundation and FIND have joined forces to help address the challenges of availability, affordability, and optimal use of diagnostics for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).


The ACCEDE project

The ACCEDE (ACcess to CGMs for Equity in DiabEtes management) project aims to support the introduction of continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) for people living with diabetes in Kenya and South Africa.

NCD coffee chats

To mark the launch of our NCD programme, we are bringing together leaders, experts, and advocates to explore the multiple facets of diagnostics for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), through a series of four coffee conversation videos.